Hello Everyone!

About Me
Thank You for viewing my website, here I will tell you a bit about myself and what I have done.
My name is Zeeshan Khurram and I am currently in my second year at The University of Dallas at Texas. I am a CS major and I am still exploring different specializations. Currently, I work as a Peer Tutor at UTD and tutor Probability and Statisitcs, and next semester I will also tutor Calculus and Linear Algebra.
I do most of my work in C++ and Java, but currently I am enjoying Python and JavaScript. I like seeing and creating my own algorithms and I participated heavily in Competitve Programming in high school and will also be partaking in it next semester.
This website is here to organize all my projects done in one place and is also a way for me to step my foot in html. I used GeeksForGeeks' template to help make this website. Thank You once more for coming here


  • Capture the Flag Versus Game View➲

    • Made in Khan Academy processing JavaScript. 2 player game with the objective to steal your opponents flag and bring it to your side, can shoot the opponent to stop them from stealing.

  • Virtual Pantry App View➲

    • Manages items in Pantry and Fridge and creates list of recipes given current items. Made in Java with 3 others. Was intially a class project for Software Engineering but we liked the idea so we decided to implement it.

  • MIPS Sequence Game View➲

    • Made in MIPS. Pattern Recognition game where random boxes are highlighted and the player has to correctly select the boxes in the order they were highlighted.

  • Yugioh Deck Price Optimizer (WIP)

  • Normal Distribution Visualizer (WIP)

  • Library Database Manager View➲
    • Made in Java. First project created in highschool and uses files as a database. The app allows users to log in, borrow and view library books. Admins can add, remove, or change book descriptions.
  • Peer Tutor for University of Texas at Dallas
    • January,2022 - Present.
    • Tutored Probability & Statisitcs, Calculus, and Linear Algebra for UTD students

  • Officer for Austin Computer Organization
    • August,2018 - May,2020.
    • Coach for the Advanced Competitive Programming Team of Stephen F. Austin High School

  • 2nd Place at CodeWars Houston
    • April,2020.
    • Advanced Team 2nd Place Finish at HP Code Wars Houston 2020 which is a Programming Competition held once a year